Thursday, April 16, 2009

Job Portals and Kindergarten Registration

Last week I had the joy of getting our son pre-registered for Kindergarten. I thought I was prepared, and by prepared, I mean organized for this event. (We are not talking about the emotions of the event, we'll save that for August.) I had the children with me, but I was not concerned, as I was sure I'd be in and out of there and on to other errands. I had the instructions, our son's social security card, our tax evidence of home ownership, a utility bill, and shot records (had to have these faxed to me at the school, but that's another story).

I sit down and start some paperwork and the volunteers start asking me for stuff. I think to myself, I have it all. EXCEPT his birth certificate. I tell them I'll run home and get it, I even think this will be quick, but I quickly realize I don't have their birth certificates! How can this be? So, we add the errand of going to the county tax office to buy birth certificates. (I bought our 3 year old's too, won't be caught off guard again!)

I say all of this because this registration process reminds me of going on a companies website or job portal to apply for a job. Since the last time I looked for a job there were none of these technical applications, AND as recruiters we hardly work with portals the way our candidates must, I was genuinely surprised how difficult applying to on-line portals is for people. I found out helping someone near and dear to me.

First of all, it's completely impersonal, there is no one to talk to, to ask questions of, to help you. Secondly, the actual process of applying takes a long time, anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes. At times you feel like you must match perfectly or your application will be thrown out (irrational, but a real feeling). AND, the worst part is you don't know if anyone even looks at your information.

This post is really to commiserate with you all who've walked through this process. It is painful, without obvious rewards, but necessary. Kind of like going to the dentist and kindergarten pre-registration.

The difference between this impersonal process and working with a recruiter is what I love. Your recruiter will ask all kinds of personal questions so that they can sell your story. I believe this makes all the difference. So I think a marriage of some on-line applying and working with a recruiter is the right way to go. But please talk to your recruiter about the strategy so that you don't present yourself to something that your recruiter could work on for you (they'll do such a better job than that on-line portal!)

Until next time -

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